
Today is Friday, meaning that we have only one shot at clearing the authorities on time. We get up early, pack every piece of document we can think of and we leave Kujira. It is unclear whether we need to start with the port authorities or the customs. One is 700 meters away while the other one is 1.7km away, so we start we with the latter one. 1.7km It is early but the sun is already ruthless and what should be an easy stroll feels like a workout. By the time we reach the customs, we are sweating and we really hope that we won’t have to go back and forth 4 times. The person working there is really friendly but of course, we were meant to start with the port authorities as they are the one establishing the transit log, some kind of passport for Kujira, which needs to be stamped by the customs. We also need to pay our eTEPAI, a travel tax. I have unsuccessfully applied for it a week ago but never received a confirmation with a payment request. I am not the first one, the ...