Noise, fortress and Karen platinum

During my last visit to the port authorities, I had asked Karen what time we could come to check out in the morning. She had told me 10am, which we suspected wasn't because the office was closed before that but because she didn't feel like working before that. We decide to aim to be there around 9am to avoid walking in the heat and to give us enough time to do a few errands on the way back. When we arrive the place is already busy, this time with a civilised queue of people waiting for their turn. Karen is storming in and out, barking at people. When she sees the 4 of us entering the room she barks: "Only one person, the others wait outside" Mike tries to protest. It is after all already really hot, but he realises in a second that they are indeed better outside, but for a different reason. I am just about to take my place in the queue when she barks: "I remember you, come here" she says pointing at the table. Without any other reason than remembering...